Green Oasis Now Blog:
Harmony with Nature
Harvest Time
This year, the Autumnal Equinox follows the Harvest Full Moon within five days, so harvest time is very much in our awareness as the new season begins.
In the current cultural context, harvest has multi-layered meanings.
Midsummer’s beauty is everywhere apparent here, in Mother Nature’s world. Lush greens and wildflowers abound. Cultivated gardens are flourishing.
Traditionally, many in New England have considered August as the high point of Summer, the most favored time for outdoor activities. In keeping with the vacation spirit of August, the intent of this writing is primarily playful.
Summer Solstice
Applying Common Sense, we have refined to completion our building method which will readily create all the features that we envision and find essential…
Indoors and outdoors, this Green Oasis Now dwelling will well demonstrate Harmony with Nature created by Common Sense applied with meticulous attention to detail.
Mid-Spring 2024
The common sense application of beneficial technology provides the opportunity for new choices in creating one’s home environs, whether new or re-designed… Some of these innovations, if chosen, could refine one’s relationship with nature in interesting ways.
Spring Equinox
With outdoor projects in my awareness, opportune beginning in Spring, recently I remembered a gathering to which I was invited years ago — a barn raising.
The barn raising was to take place in a rural community, nestled among the mountains, where traditional New England homes and more contemporary dwellings shared a scenic landscape. This new barn was a post and beam style about to be raised in the traditional way with friends and acquaintances collaboratively present — some helping, and some observing.
In whatever one’s purposeful activity is — or when simply relaxing, being — we humans are inherently connected with Mother Nature’s world, within the cycle of the seasons.
To acknowledge this connection is to attune to, and be nourished by, Nature’s rhythms. In this way, there is available the energy of harmony with Earth. This harmony serves well-being.
Winter Solstice
The new season is, for us, a time of refining plans as we also continue to design into our systems the most worthwhile cutting edge components. It constantly becomes easier to accomplish what we have long envisioned as appropriate adaptation to the increasing unpredictability of weather and other environmental phenomena.
Among the scientific community, there is not a cohesive opinion about the changing weather phenomena and their effects.
Throughout the entire circle of the seasons in Nature’s year, it is common sense to pay attention to our relationship with Earth — and discern right action in all circumstances Mother Nature provides.
Autumnal Equinox
Green Oasis Now was so named because we see the possibility of uncommon common sense harmony with nature — and flourishing within the Oasis that is possible with sensitivity and well-thought-out corresponding action.
Back to Basics: A New Look, 2
Mother Nature’s signals are impeccably clear. The basics for well-being not only deserve a new look. In fact, it is essential to look — with new perspective — at what Nature is telling us. And, it is also essential — for well-being — to take wise action.
Back to Basics: A New Look
The new look at back-to-basics is, in our view, pointing out the imperatives of paying attention to that which Mother Nature is quietly — and not so quietly — suggesting.
Common Sense and Trees
Common sense suggests that awareness of the vulnerabilty of forests could inspire new attitudes towards existing trees.
Awareness and perspective enhance our appreciation for trees and encourage us to choose wisely in our relationship with them.
Re-imagining Possibility
Quite literally, there are waves of change increasing now. And they are, most fundamentally, energy waves — layer upon layer. While contributing to the dissolving of the outmoded, which no longer serves, these energy waves are also providing impetus for re-imagining possibility — creative innovations which can lead in new and beneficial directions.