Back to Basics: A New Look
To us, it is common sense to pay attention to the most basic components of well-being — both personal and environmental: fresh air, pure water, nutritious food and appropriate habitat which places a light footprint on the Earth.
Well-being basics begin with the Earth environment we inhabit.
The fresh air and pure water which many of us experienced in childhood are no longer “a given”.
For those who live in a temperate climate, the four seasons — as we once experienced them — are now significantly altered.
Accommodating ourselves to these changes requires a re-thinking about our relationship with the environment Mother Nature now provides. Increasingly, we are noticing unnatural extremes. Whether heat or cold, drought or flooding, haze in the sky obscuring the Sun or the Moon, we observe that it is essential to adapt.
This adaptation can be enhanced by utilizing technology for elegant simplification in our personal environments — the dwellings which are our homes. Although we cannot control that which is outside our doors, so to speak, in Mother Nature’s world, we can pay attention to her signals and provide for ourselves comfortable, efficient and safe personal environments.
Humanity’s technology is driven by the limited concepts of that which is possible, and often lacking in common sense. What is possible in our new look at back-to-basics brings forth a closed-loop system in which efficiency is maximized and reliance on the increasingly tenuous grid is not necessary.
Within this closed-loop, we provide our own basics — fresh air, abundant pure water used efficiently, unobtrusive sustainable renewal energy, energy storage systems and the ability to be comfortable within weather extremes.
The new look at back-to-basics is, in our view, pointing out the imperatives of paying attention to that which Mother Nature is quietly — and not so quietly — suggesting.
Image by Michelle Raponi from Pixabay.