about green oasis now

Our Green Oasis Now Mission

With an emphasis on harmony with Nature, innovative technology serving nature — including, among our multifaceted focus, weather impervious year-round indoor gardening — powered by sustainable renewable energy and not dependent on the grid.

The Founders: A Collaboration

Green Oasis Now is the result of a collaboration which gradually developed over many years.

The founder of Green Oasis Now is Tritia Hamilton.  Early on, she was instrumental in the development of a specialty/gourmet foods business which was later sold to another company. In her multi-faceted role with Green Oasis Now, she balances among the worlds of "practical authorship" and unwavering attention-to-intention to tangibly contribute to positive global change. She began writing about the New Earth — and beckoning possibility — in 1991.  Three years later she met visionary scientist David Summersong. Her writing and related activities was then paralleled by a gradually increasing understanding of his genius foresight and unique gifts. For more about the development of her role in Green Oasis Now, see the blog “Nurturing a Vision”. Tritia's website provides a glimpse into her multi-layered New Earth point of view, including her two books which document the earlier years of the eclectic step by step process which eventually led to the founding of solutions-oriented Green Oasis Now.

The co-founder, visionary scientist David Summersong, is the head of Research and Development for Green Oasis Now.  At an early age David began to focus his broadly-scoped genius primarily on science — biology, chemistry and physics. A childhood vision of what he would eventually build was consistently influential in his relentless pursuit of knowledge about all aspects of the systems which he recognized as part of a large and cohesive plan. As a perspective enhancing experience when in his twenties, David walked through 83 countries observing indigenous architecture, engineering and ancient sites as well as botanical and culinary practices.  He also walked through every contiguous US state and the border areas of Mexico and Canada. Of his innovations David characteristically says: "The inspiration comes through me, not from me.  I create by paying attention.”  David's passion for bringing forth technology to serve nature is matched by his meticulous attention to detail, constant learning and ongoing vigilance about the environment and well-being. For more about David's background, and the early roots of Green Oasis Now, see "How Green Oasis Now Began".

Changes Within These Changing Times

Although the pages within our Archives menu describe a wider range of potentials, we have simplified our offerings to focus on the most basic needs given the ongoing multifaceted changes on planet Earth. Some of the reasons for this shift in emphasis, which we have evolved in recent months, are detailed in the blog titled “Simplification".

A quote about that which serves well-being in our rapidly evolving world.