Spring Equinox
With the appearance of the purple crocuses, harbingers of Spring, we are signaled that Mother Nature’s world begins a cycle of new activity. So too, a new cycle of activity begins for us — we humans who live in areas with four distinct seasons.
With outdoor projects in my awareness, opportune beginning in Spring, recently I remembered a gathering to which I was invited years ago — a barn raising.
The barn raising was to take place in a rural community, nestled among the mountains, where traditional New England homes and more contemporary dwellings shared a scenic landscape. This new barn was a post and beam style about to be raised in the traditional way with friends and acquaintances collaboratively present — some helping, and some observing.
I accepted the invitation and soon found that relaxed and cordial enthusiasm enveloped the activity.
The joinery for the frame of this new structure had been created with skilled craftsmanship and patience. On site for the raising of the frame were several members of the team who had crafted the custom frame.
As each section of the frame was raised, I intently watched those who secured the joinery with large oak pegs. One of them I clearly remember. His every motion was flawlessly precise, whether pounding a peg into the framing joinery with his mallet, or changing positions to be ready with a peg for the next joining. Although everyone involved was obviously skilled at what they were doing, he worked within a uniquely graceful rhythm. This impressed me at the time, and continues to do so. In fact, the entire barn raising proceeded smoothly, without pause.
What was implicitly demonstrated on that day, includes:
• Excellent preparation, with attention to all details, opens the opportunity for success with ease.
A few skilled people, well coordinated and well focused, can readily accomplish much and do so with enjoyment rather than stress.
Attitude is highly significant.
Common sense practicality utilizing available materials and tools — post and beam framing is one example — has been functioning viably for centuries and is part of adaptation to one’s environment and, preferably, thriving within that environment.
All of that which was well demonstrated on that way-back-when day is applicable to new building methods and materials not available centuries ago — or even decades ago.
When I consider the precision of the Green Oasis Now preparation for our own projects, I know that we are in harmony with what I was fortunate to once observe.
Image by J_Blueberry from Pixabay.