Two Worlds

Two Worlds

March 15, 2021

Contrasts abound in our changing world.  In every direction one can observe:

•  reluctance or enthusiasm

•  rigidity or flexibility

In stark contrast to reluctance, enthusiasm energizes.  It is a powerful fuel.

As with a willow tree moving gracefully with the wind, and thus resilient, flexibility contributes to adaptability.

When looking at one of the basics of well-being — nutritious and reliable fresh food supply — the burgeoning interest in home gardening is an example of adaptability.  Whether inspired by rising food prices, or concerns about quality and availability — or a desire to actively interact with nature — this is a direct and common sense way of addressing changing circumstances with resilience.

As though within two different realities, side by side, some see persistent problems where others see solutions.  Point of view is the difference.

Albert Einstein said, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”

He was referring to an encompassing view wherein breakthrough solutions are accessible.

Fortunately, in our changing world, in every area of endeavor there are those who are awake to solutions — often quietly productive.

Green Oasis Now lives in this world-of-solutions.