
As the warming temperatures bring forth Spring blossoming here in New England, we are aware that weather anomalies are ongoing globally with unpredictable and unprecedented results.

Green Oasis Now continues to observe various indicators of ongoing change.

Astrophysics reminds us that the current solar cycle is ramping up, together with its potential for affecting the grid.  Electrical engineers point out the fragility of the various grids globally.

Currently the number of earthquakes over 2.0 varies between 400 and 700 each day.  There are now 24 active volcanoes.

We know it is essential to pay attention to Mother Nature's signals and take action in harmony with her.

The Industrial Report indicates huge increases (thousands of percent) in demands for certain products and services which indicate a major shift in priorities.  For example: Lumber has escalated gigantically in price with a major increase in demand.

The man-made infrastructure — that which supports human activity on this planet — is increasingly proving to be tenuous.

Given the swirlings about of the winds of change, the Green Oasis Now priorities have been redefined to emphasize that which we feel is most central for stability and well-being.

Simplification, in harmony with Mother Nature, is our back-to-basics point of view which has come to the forefront.  This includes:
The demonstration of innovative broadly-scoped, weather impervious year-round indoor gardening and agriculture — powered by sustainable renewable energy and not dependent on the grid.

We have placed into the Archives menu on this website our more diverse plans, for we see that at this time it is advantageous to focus closer to home.  Simplification!

April 01, 2022
