Our Approach to Innovation

September 01, 2019

Our Approach to Innovation

Energy, Frequency and Vibration

Tesla said:  “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

How does this understanding translate into the world of form and manifested devices — technology serving nature?

Foundational in the Green Oasis Now approach to design is empathic awareness of energy, frequency and vibration, however the mechanisms of our technology are to be applied.

All solutions derive from the proper observation of energy, frequency and vibration relative to the situation.  There is no reason for unnecessary problems to exist.

Proper observation allows us to envision new possibilities.

There is a point at which the visionary and the now meet and begin to dance together.

When this occurs, tangible creation can take place.


Our approach to innovation is inspired by our envisionings.  Our point of view is one of interconnectedness.

Given environmental and societal issues, we feel that it is common sense to imagine and envision nature as a lush garden within which all creatures thrive.

To create that garden, what is nature asking for?  Optimized well being. Harmony.  Balance.

We imagine a world in which we select, from future possibilities, the lush garden — and thriving within it — and simply see where we are to go to help create it.  This is similar to choosing a particular mountain trail and knowing the destination.

We don't set out to invent anything. Rather, we see a need (the destination) and then develop a way (the trail) to meet the need (arrive at the destination).


We begin by creating technology to serve nature — gently and respectfully.

Since everything is energy (including plants and creatures), the only sane way to interact is through empathy and compassion because that creates the best outcome and harmony for every level of life form involved.

What serves nature also serves humanity.

Design Principles

The proper approach is to meticulously think things through before starting.

Design refinements involve having the fewest moving parts to accomplish the intended purpose, as well as simplicity within every plug and play component.

Through this process craftsmanship, science and technology combine to a point of ultra finesse.  This allows the creation of individualized precision parts that work in harmony and symbiosis to produce the desired result.

The Wave of Positive Change

A wave of unprecedented innovation and change is sweeping the planet.

The recognition of a desire for better solutions — together with receptivity to those solutions — has been growing, correspondent with the obvious need to do something about environmental and societal issues.

The wave of the future is co-creative.  With resilience we adapt to changing circumstances by developing innovative solutions.

Ongoing technological advancements continue to make our Green Oasis Now projects more cost effective, while also shortening lead times.  For example:  Specific aspects of our systems that we have had under consideration for many years — as necessary to our overall development — are now appearing as new products in the marketplace.

Broadly-scoped co-creation is a gateway to a new future!

words about the Visionary and the Now meeting, formatted with green background