How Green Oasis Now Began

September 15, 2019

How Green Oasis Now Began

Early Discoveries

It was the fourth of July family gathering.  At one point, all extended family members were having a meeting.  I could hear that they were talking about me.  They were concerned that I wasn’t speaking yet and discussing what to do about it.  Then I spoke for the first time.  “Why doesn’t everybody in the world sit down and say, ‘We made a big mistake and we’ll start over again tomorrow.’”

A while later, a firecracker went off in the street startling my mother who bumped into a bookcase.  Three books fell onto the floor near where I was lying — a Greek dictionary, a Latin dictionary and a book called Greatest Speeches of the World.  I immediately read out loud from the books in front of me.  No one noticed that it wasn’t gibberish until I started reading the speeches.  My mother then said, “You can’t read.”  She took the books away from me and put them back on the shelf.

Prior to this, I hadn’t been speaking because I didn’t understand the people around me.  I couldn’t comprehend that they weren’t able to see the people that I could see living higher, better lives on a different energetic level.  Compared to what I could see there, what I experienced around me felt primitive.

I continued reading quietly from my father’s extensive library.  With photographic speed and with photographic comprehension, it looked to others like I was simply turning pages.

Two years later, I had a ruptured appendix which resulted in surgery and a 21-day coma.  After that, I could see energy fields around people and how the energy moved through their organ systems, also known as chakras and acupuncture meridians.  I realized that the biological and physiological ignorance of the people around me was a hazard to my well-being.  My intention was to learn everything there was to know about the human body.  My surgeon gave me my first copy of Gray’s Anatomy which I committed to memory.  When I realized that I could influence and adjust other peoples bio-electric systems, I applied what I knew to the people around me if they were receptive.  That is how I began, at age four and a half, one aspect of my scientific career: hands on facilitator of healing.

Independent Studies

At age five I gained access to the adult library in my town by proving to the head librarian that I had instant photographic retention of any book I looked at and could recite from it without flaw.  I was given a library card with no limit on the number of books I was allowed to check out at one time.  I moved the books the short distance to my home in a shopping cart because I couldn’t carry them all.  To select books, I read the card catalog and made a Dewey Decimal Classification System list of books that interested me —  primarily science.  One of my favorite books, The Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, became available for me to check out when I was eight or nine.  I read and digested it.

With early exposure to organic gardening, and a family who also seasonally fished and foraged — primarily for mushrooms, berries, nuts and roots — I was eager to learn about nature.  I began, as many children do, by tasting things.  This later became another facet of my scientific analysis.

In a pond in my town I found a plant that tasted exquisitely good to me.  I brought samples home.  These I began growing on glass partitions in an aquarium.  It turned out to be Chlorella.  Thus, involvement with algae began at age five.

The braided honeybee hives underneath the apple tree are a fond memory since infancy.  My grandmother grafted numerous kinds of fruit onto the apple and peach trees.  Everything my grandmother did in terms of grafting and rooting and managing the garden and the honeybees was of great interest to me.  Until age twelve, when my family moved to a more rural area, I participated with her avidly whenever and wherever I could.

As part of my study of human physiology, and self improvement physically, I became interested in weightlifting and martial arts early in my ninth year when a Korean martial artist moved into my neighborhood.  I began to study with him.

Also when I was nine, my ability to read and discern intelligently was becoming recognized.  Two engineers from IBM came to my home.  They said that IBM would pay for my education through Ph.D. if I would agree to work for them.  I told them I would accept if I could work on optical computing.  They said there was no such thing and never would be.  I told them to leave.  I had already developed an impatience with the sluggishness of the educational system.  I decided to continue my studies independently.  This included constant, careful observation.

Enhancing Well Being

My daily sleep requirement was met in two or three hours. Therefore I had a lot of time available for whatever I chose to focus on. Lingering discomfort from the surgery invigorated my search for understanding and enhanced well-being.

Through some of my relatives I was introduced to golf as a child — first at driving ranges and then as a caddy.  As I became stronger, sometimes I caddied for two players at once.  By the time I was twelve I had my own season pass, paid for from my caddying savings.

Golf, for me, was another activity for developing strength and endurance.  I used a martial arts approach.  As a beginning golfer, playing ambidextrously, I hit the ball as hard as I could — with accuracy.  What I gained in distance was usually negated by my far less accurate performance on the putting green.

Nurturing a Vision

Together with the understanding that I had to take charge of my own well-being, I also realized that I couldn’t count on the judgement of other people if I was going to be able to build what I had visualized — from at least age two — for personal and planetary well being.

All my activities were somehow related to pursuing my intention, including developing various skill sets that I deemed as possibly necessary.

School did not require a lot of my time.  I read all the assigned books on the first day of each school year.  With no homework, I continued my independent studies by working.  This included summer tobacco work starting at age nine, ongoing agricultural work on my family’s property, learning tree surgery and climbing skills at age fourteen and working in a family friend’s grocery store as a speed cashier before my fifteenth birthday.  To exponentially increase my knowledge base and skill set, at age sixteen I began exploring the numerous short term factory jobs available in the hardware capitol of the world.  I continued to work second and/or third shift jobs — in as many different venues as I could — until the beginning of my military obligation.

My military obligation included advanced medical laboratory training and assignment to the Surgeon General’s staff.

A number of opportunities were offered to me at the end of my military obligation, both by the Surgeon General as well as associates wanting to support my medical or golf career.  All of this I declined in favor of extended foreign travel.

Travels — With Intention

I began my travels by driving with triends, througn the snow, to San Francisco and then flying to the rainforest of Puerto Rico to warm up. Afterward, to facilitate my geographic experience of the US, I acquired various commercial driver licenses and worked for many bus, car and truck transter and delivery services.  After almost two years, having accumulated hundreds of thousands of miles behind the wheel, watching interesting places go by, I decided to start walking so that I could experience some of them.

My travels extended to walking across 83 countries investigating their libraries and ancient artifacts — pausing to play golf at St. Andrews. Because of my reading skills I was able to memorize dictionaries, read at my normal speed photographically in the language-of-the-moment (ultimately 149 languages) and somehow understand the text and remember it in English.

I realized this talent had ended when I nearly died from typhoid.  I woke up in a graveyard in northern Afghanistan and found that I couldn't read anything — including my passport.

The seeds of what has become Green Oasis Now were sown years ago.  What follows are excerpts from conversations with David, who is the cofounder of Green Oasis Now and also the head of Research and Development.  At a young age David demonstrated unique gifts of genius.  Many stories in his life illustrate the development of a visionary scientist who, early on, felt a strong sense of mission for the utilization of his talents.  We begin at the beginning — David, age two and a half:

It took me 43 days to walk to the nearest American embassy, which was in Pakistan.  There, they kept me in isolation tor a few days while preparing to send me back to NY on an airplane aboard which I was the sole passenger. I was met in NY by staff trom a disease control agency.  They did blood tests and kept me in isolation for three days.  They released me with the caution to never donate blood.

I did a year-and-a-day vegetable juice fast to lose my yellow color and regain my health and well-being, such that I could resume my martial arts and weight litting interests.  As the juice fast progressed, my literacy also returned — but only in English.

Thereafter, I was in search ot a place that telt correct to plant myself and begin the construction ot what I visualized as a center point for improvements in the way life is lived on Earth — a demonstration of the possibilities of enlightened agriculture and well-being, combined with sensitivity and technology.

I continued my travels in the US by utilizing a van to make my walkabouts shorter and more localized — with brief detours through portions of Mexico and Canada — in search of remote and quiet places.

As was true in my global travels, I continued to learn — trom indigenous peoples — about local plants and methods ot cooking, drying, fermenting and preserving them, supported by my long-term and solidly proven technique ot tasting the smallest possible amount of any given plant and patiently awaiting the resultant experience.

Marking Time While Holding a Vision

While I was waiting for the world to be receptive to my vision, through several decades I was involved with the operation of health spas, a water purifier factory, various types of invention and design consulting, as well as a number of charitable organizations,

In my health spa work, I applied my talents of adjusting the energy pathways in/for individuals by utilizing a broad range of hands-on body adjustment modalities that were then becoming more widely known.  Once again — as with golfing — I incorporated simplistic martial arts techniques of exactness.

Concurrently, as technology advanced, the ways of creating the desired results within my long-held overall concept continued to evolve.  I consistently promulgated my vision of a better way of environmental interaction and planetary stewardship to anyone who would listen.

Vision into Form

Years ago, when I unintentionally physically interacted with a windmill blade in Holland, I became impressed with the magnitude of energy available from the renewable resource of endlessly moving air.  As the idea of various forms of renewable energy became more widely established, my attention turned toward the devices that would utilize these potentials to the greatest effect.

Available renewable energy has brought into the forefront many innovations, including those which Green Oasis Now offers.

The sweeping changes — both societally and environmentally — which are in process globally provide new challenges to be addressed in many arenas.

Fortunately, having seen potential need long ago, Green Oasis Now is well prepared to contribute innovative solutions in our areas of expertise.