Evolving Agriculture Practices

Evolving Agriculture Practices

August 01, 2019

Our ancestors grew their food in surrender to Nature’s mood swings.  There was no other choice.  As societal structure changed, a system evolved where the relative few grew food for the many.  Within this system, practices developed which were considered efficient for their time.  We now know that the environmental cost has been huge —

• overused soil

• excessive water use

• long-term effects of pesticides

• depleted nutritional value of food

• a high percentage of food wasted

We have asked ourselves:  What are the solutions that are meaningful now?  What will be viable for generations to come?  We see our relationship with plants as a dialog.  In harmonizing with nature, there is an inter-dependent cooperative relationship.  We know that plants like to take direction.  Here is where we have a new opportunity — technology serving nature.

Our plant friendly ultimate greenhouse system, which has at its core the Heart Greenhouse [link to page], is our answer to the questions we have asked ourselves.  It also demonstrates our point of view about cooperative relationship with nature in these times of change which require innovation and new solutions.

Our gardening for a renewing planet —

• creates its own interior world

• supplies optimum growing conditions

• eliminates all environmental stresses

• recovers and recycles all water and resources

• is widely environmentally adaptable

• is renewable energy focused

• creates nutritionally superior produce

six Green Oasis Now indoor gardening features, blue with green diagram format

Hydroponic indoor agriculture has been gaining a foothold over a number of decades because it addresses some of the cumulatively adverse agricultural issues.

Organic, hydroponic and biodynamic methods of agriculture all have important places in botanical understanding.

Our system utilizes the best qualities and unique gifts of each of them.  Co-creative with the plants themselves, our technology serves nature in harmonious relationship.

Our non-hydroponic advanced and specialized system, in which we use our unique cultured fermentation media (created, controlled and pure), optimizes the union of the potentials that result from plant-sensitive understanding and creative technology.  Thus, we can ensure a diverse food supply that is continually of high quality and impervious to environmental issues.

Our botanically pristine scientific systems and proprietary methodologies allow us to exceed all current standards and levels of expectation for plant growth, vitality and productivity — while also re-creating an Eden-like plant-friendly agricultural symbiotic way of being.