Environment and Interconnectedness

Environment and Interconnectedness

August 15, 2020

During this time of ongoing and extensive change, we who reside on planet Earth continue to have expanded opportunities to experience and observe the implications of global interconnectedness — both societally and environmentally.

That which occurs in one area reverberates in others — like an energy wave sent forth globally.

The embracing of change is a choice which opens a doorway to adaptation and thriving with new perspective.

Whatever is occurring societally is happening within the Earth environment.  Our interconnectedness takes place within all environmental conditions, whatever they are.

The effects of unexpected weather events continue to become more pronounced.

The changing weather patterns, though often appearing localized, have extensive ripples throughout Mother Nature’s world.

Thus, these changing patterns have extensive ripples in our societal world as well.  For example:

• Some regions have become uninhabitable while others, now greening, are becoming viable.

• Power outages occurring during storms are becoming more frequent  with more wide-spread effects.

• Outdoor crops — both the growing and harvesting, whether small or large scale — are subject to weather anomalies and other factors which are the result of these weather anomalies.

Some of the societal basics for thriving within the context of change include well-being, reliable electrical power and nourishing food  — all of which are interconnected with our environment.

As humans, our ability to acknowledge our interconnection with Mother Nature’s world — and make choices which promote thriving for both the environment and ourselves — serves everyone.