Energy, Frequency, Vibration and Food

Energy, Frequency, Vibration and Food

November 01, 2020

Tesla said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”  This also applies to the food we eat and how it is grown.

This point of view is different from the usual approaches to growing food — whether small scale or large agriculture, indoors or out.

As people increasingly understand the significance of energy fields, it becomes more important to control unnecessary vibrational pollutants in the food chain.

Folklore refers to the benefit of speaking to plants because the sound vibration increases the foliage growth.  People have taken to recording morning bird songs and playing these songs for their plants because the vibration affects the leaf surface.

Different plants require variable amounts of sunlight to meet their energy needs.

All plant life on Earth observes the same mathematical principles in their growth pattern because of frequency.  They are responding to the consistent and continuous energy movement cycle between earth and sky, and sky and earth.

Magnetism and field effects produce changes in all plant growth based on the frequency applied because plants are sensitive to energy.

Most people know by now that plants will grow when they hear string music and will wither when they hear heavy metal.  These examples of the influence of energy, frequency and vibration demonstrate a stark difference between a beneficial or negative effect.

The Science Behind the Science

As Tesla predicted, energy science — when seriously observed —  supersedes old understandings, habituated practices and archaic technology.

Technology serving nature takes into consideration the esoteric principles of energy, frequency and vibration and applies them in a beneficial way.

Mechanization does not have to mean insensitive. To the contrary, properly designed robotic systems anticipate each task in the plant development process and maximize all opportunities to enhance optimum well-being through energy, frequency and vibration.

The optimized well-being in the plants is energetic nutrition and is conveyed through the vibrational quality of the plant tissue.  The quality of the plant tissue is enhanced, as in any creature, through the beneficial aspects of its environment.

Utilizing the energy science behind the botanical science results in energetic nutrition as well as nutrient content.

Superior things must always be envisioned and contrasted in order to show their value compared with the ordinary.

As humans, one of the secrets of our personal universe of well-being is to consider the energy, frequency, and vibration of the food we eat and thus increase our insistence upon high level food.