Change: Thriving Redefined

Change: Thriving Redefined

April 01, 2020

Change is a constant whether we acknowledge it or not.  Stark change, as we are now seeing globally, invites us to look at our world from a new perspective.

For those who can embrace change, adaptation occurs with relative ease. Creativity is sparked and priorities shift as appropriate.

The current wave of change has brought forth, more visibly:

• kindness

• compassion

• interdependence

• cooperation

• resilience

• resourcefulness

In a previous blog “Adaptability: Embracing Change” (15 Nov 2019) it was noted that social scientists now suggest that adaptability quotient (AQ) may become more important than EQ (emotional quotient) or IQ in our rapidly changing world.

Both individually and collectively, the opportunity to redefine priorities is asking for our attention.

In developing our innovations, adaptability to changing circumstances — both societally and environmentally — has consistently been part of our  Green Oasis Now overview.

As thriving is increasingly redefined during these times of unprecedented change, Green Oasis Now offers — in our areas of expertise — creative solutions for thriving.