Celebrating Possibility

October 15, 2019

Celebrating Possibility

The celebration of possibility is inherently expansive.

A choice between the outlooks of expansion or contraction is occurring at this pivotal time on Earth.  That choice is being made either willfully or by default.

Among the assorted global chaos, humanity is being shaken out of the doldrums of complacency and the illusion of feeling powerless to make a difference.

What we as individuals notice, amid the global uproar, is significantly affected by what we choose to see.

We may view an outgoing tide as taking with it old attitudes, concepts and outmoded belief systems and habits which do not serve the future of life on this planet.  These we must surrender to make way for the new and adapt to the incoming tide.

woman with outstretched arms facing the sky in a sunflower filled field

The incoming tide is filled with new attitudes, new perspectives, new possibilities and new demands for consciousness.  It is only through a change in consciousness that our world will be transformed.  To positively and wholeheartedly embrace the possible we must be aware and available.  We must also acknowledge our own evolution.

Both the planet and humanity are exhibiting volcanic behavior.  Clouds of confusion abound from the upheaval.

Even as Earth is venting volcanically, there are countless areas where the sun shines on peaceful meadows or the still surface of a gleaming lake which reflects fair weather clouds.

The same contrast exists within humanity and is a choice.

What is in front of us on Earth at this time is enormous opportunity — perhaps unprecedented — to bring forth, amid the varying hubbub, new possibilities.

• Amid the discord, there is the possibility for harmony.

• Amid feelings of separation, there is the possibility to recognize our interconnectedness — not only with one another but with all species.

• Amid change and feelings of insecurity, there is the possibility to ascend to heights of creative expression and fulfillment on a healthy planet.

With attention to intention, possibility can become probability. This we celebrate.