Carbon Capture and Common Sense

Carbon Capture and Common Sense

The Carbon Capture Technology page which was added to this website, a few days ago, provides an overview of some of the diverse applications of carbon capture technology which are inherent in the design of many of the Green Oasis Now projects.

Within the global carbon cycle, healthy trees are among the primary carbon dioxide reservoirs.  They naturally absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere.

The proliferation of greening projects worldwide is resulting in multi-millions of tree seedlings being planted.  The seedlings which successfully grow to maturity will become significant carbon capture contributors in the future.

In contrast, the burning of forests produces carbon dioxide.  Forest fires are reducing carbon dioxide reservoirs faster than new tree growth can replace it.

Generations ago, forest dwellers naturally utilized the forest products and thus inevitably promoted low forest fire potential.  Forest undergrowth has a very low carbon reservoir significance and a very high forest fire vulnerability.

Native Americans refer to trees as the “standing people”.  Common sense suggests that there is every reason to protect the existing “standing people” with new approaches to sustainable forest management which address the forest fire vulnerability.

illustration showing how trees sequester carbon dioxide into the soil

February 01, 2021

With new approaches — technology serving nature — existing forests can be groomed and restored to optimum growth potential.  The enhancement of the carbon reservoir is one of many benefits.

Common sense also suggests that every action humankind takes to harmonize with Nature benefits both.  We are not disconnected.

Note: The Carbon Capture Technology page is not included in the Archives.