Adaptability: Embracing Change

Adaptability: Embracing Change

Social scientists now suggest that adaptability quotient (AQ) may become more important than EQ (emotional quotient) or IQ in our rapidly changing world.

Adaptability is multifaceted.

Some of the characteristics of adaptability are resilience, flexibility, cooperative/collaborative co-creativity, innovation, well-grounded common sense and foresight — the seeing of new possibility.

To attune to change is to become resonant with change — rather than threatened by it.  By embracing change, new possibilities become limitless.

Part of the purpose of this website is educational.  Throughout the website — including previous topic-specific blogs — we have pointed out some of the basic issues which need to be addressed and for which Green Oasis Now offers solutions.  These basic issues will ultimately affect all of us — more or less — in our interconnectedness with the planet and with one another.

As we see it, part of the adaptability quotient (AQ) in embracing change is the proactive implementation of closed-loop sustainable systems — in greenhouses, homes, clusters of homes, or small communities.  For those to whom this idea may be new or unfamiliar, to be aware of the possibility is the first step in eventually achieving it.  Closed-loop systems are the effective pattern for a

Möbius loop

stable and cooperative future.  Closed-loop systems are an underlying operational principle for Green Oasis Now.

Those innovators who are embracing change — and undaunted by rapid change — are enthusiastically racing forward to meet the new challenges.

Green Oasis Now is one of these cutting-edge innovators.

November 15, 2019