technology serving nature

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In harmony with nature, highly specialized innovation for a renewing planet.

Environment and Well-Being — with a Global View

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June 21, 2022

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I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting Her sweetness and respecting Her seniority.
— E. B. White

Our Archived pages include the following potentials:

Heart Greenhouse

water droplets on close-up green leaf image, with words: New Possibility

Year-round greenhouses, powered entirely by renewable energy, provide a beyond organic growing environment in a closed-loop system. Diverse botanical species are accommodated within a unique growing media.


In this time of rapid change there is increasing recognition, globally, of the need to address issues which are basic to well-being on Earth — thus ensuring a viable future. Exacerbated by the changing weather patterns, these challenges necessitate a re-thinking about how to thrive. Food supply — abundant and nutritious — is basic. A healthy environment is basic. Sustainable renewable energy is basic. Sustainable and environmentally positive closed-loop systems are basic.  Environmentally aware thinking is inherently part of the Green Oasis Now long-term developmental approach to all of our invention and design. Green Oasis Now is uniquely positioned to offer innovative solutions for these basic issues. We began developing innovations long before there was a perceived need for them.

We imagine a more pristine Earth before human participation began, and we suggest that pristine Earth and human participation are not mutually exclusive.  Our overview for powerfully positive change is simple: Harmony.

Technology has developed to the point where it can serve nature in a way that is both respectful to the planet and beneficial to humans — thus contributing to the well-being of both.  Harmony is the key — harmony between environmental consciousness and discerning use of technology.

With an enhanced appreciation for both possibility and positive potential, we can together enrich and transform the experience of living on Earth — in Harmony with one another and with the planet which is our home.

Blue-Green Microalgae

aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA microalgae) image, with words: Nutrient Rich

One form of Blue-Green Microalgae, AFA, is known to be one of the most nutrient-rich foods on the planet. There are now numerous reasons for growing this superfood in a controlled and optimized environment.


Honeybee Habitats

honeybee and yellow flowers

Small creatures with a big impact, honeybees pollinate a large percentage of the plants which provide our food. New bee-friendly habitats far surpass traditional hives in supporting honeybee health and productivity.