Green Oasis Now Previous Blog

September-November 2020

September-November 2020

September 01, 2020

Locusts and Choice

September 15, 2020

Addressing the Plastics Catastrophe

October 01, 2020

Renewable Energy Clarified

October 15, 2020

Harvest Moon — 2020

November 01, 2020

Energy, Frequency, Vibration and Food

November 15, 2020

Sustainable Renewable Energy — Now and Future

September 01, 2020

Locusts and Choice

Concerned about the implications of the expanding locust plague which has become far reaching globally, Green Oasis Now decided to make available a solution which can be readily implemented.

On Friday, August 21st, the specific details were sent — via nearly 400 individual emails — to embassies and newspapers in the numerous infected and soon-to-be-vulnerable countries.

Since the initial hatching of the locusts months ago, amid weather conditions that were ideal for them, they have multiplied hugely.  Carried on the winds, the locust swarms have continued to grow larger and thus more dense.  For example:  Recently, driver visibility in parts of Brazil was severely impaired by the presence of the locusts.

Worldwide they are expanding into green areas, including cities, with increasing frequency.  There is very little, among green plants and trees, which the locusts will not eat.  With voracious appetites these proliferating insects can produce conditions for famine.  Famine has already occurred in some areas.

The ultimate effect of the locusts cannot be estimated.  Repetitive damage can occur every year until the plague subsides or is responsibly addressed.

Since the email with the subject line “Locust Remediation” was sent forth, it is observable through our website analytics that the emails are being read.

Hopefully the solution Green Oasis Now has offered will provide some remediation to the locust problem, globally.  Following through on that which has been made available is a choice which can serve well-being.

If anyone reading this blog would like a copy of “Locust Remediation”, simply request it through our Contact page and it will be emailed to you.

September 15, 2020

Addressing the Plastics Catastrophe

Since China stopped accepting foreign plastic waste, illegal disposal of plastics has escalated worldwide resulting in increased toxicity to the environment.

Environmentally, therefore, it has become both necessary and ethically correct to develop the recycling of plastic waste beyond those relatively few products which are currently available.

Prominent reasons why there are mountains of plastic waste:

• The recycling of plastics has, heretofore, failed to become profitable as a large scale enterprise because of fluctuations in market demand.  Thus far, it has been more cost effective to make new plastics rather than recycle the old.

• Either recycling for energy through combustion, or recycling for reuse, tends to produce toxic pollution.

• The extended challenges of years of environmental debate based on the expected quantitative harmfulness to the area surrounding a plastics reclamation processing facility have discouraged development.

The ZERO EMISSIONS facility designed by Green Oasis Now is entirely environmentally harmless and offers no point of contrary debate.  As a ZERO EMISSIONS facility, the only byproducts would be:

• pure oxygen

• recoverable metallic and mineral waste

• the ash that would be directed to the conjoined Waste Plastic Reclamation Facility.

Should the capacity of the recycling plant be exceeded by the available delivery of plastic waste, excess can be diverted to the ZERO EMISSIONS Energy Production Facility.

ZERO EMISSIONS makes possible high volume recycling without pollutants.  The Waste Plastic Reclamation Facility makes possible the creation of a wide range of new and unique products — many of which were previously cast in stone.

October 01, 2020

Renewable Energy Clarified

Renewable energy is not necessarily environmentally harmonious.

Environmentally harmonious renewable energy, by definition, must be sustainable.

Zero-Emissions Combustion-based Sustainable Renewable Energy

A biomass burner is not sustainable if it burns wood from trees cut for that purpose.  However, the following procedures — for which the Green Oasis Now robotic systems are designed — are environmentally beneficial and sustainable.

• collecting the debris left by the lumbering industry and replanting

• cleaning up the forest floor to prevent forest fires

• cleaning up the residue from forest fires and replanting

Combustion of collected materials in a zero-emissions biomass burner results in residual ash which can become an ingredient in building blocks made from recycled plastics.

Environmentally Friendly and Quiet Sustainable Renewable Energy

Green Oasis Now favors multiplicity of simplicity rather than size, weight and unique structure.  Green Oasis Now works with Nature and the harmony of life.  There is nothing in Nature that is bigger than it needs to be to accomplish its goals.  The available water and wind resources at our chosen site lend themselves to:

• the refinement of small scale visually unobtrusive power generating systems.

• the enhancement of numerous innovative approaches for the development and production of entirely new sustainable renewable energy devices.

Advancements in energy collection and storage systems, as well as our own ongoing developments, will enable us to create a unique array of mechanisms which will allow us the greatest flexibility for accessing our energy storage in order to deliver it to the grid at times of peak demand.

Sustainable renewable energy is the wave of the future because there is no other viable alternative.

October 15, 2020

Harvest Moon — 2020

In the northern hemisphere the Harvest Moon cycle draws to a close tomorrow, as the New Moon begins.  Looking at this year’s harvest, the overview — from sources who have been studying the ongoing food supply situation — is calling us to pay attention:

• Weather anomalies have significantly impacted traditional methods and growing seasons.

• The conditions which have created this season’s agricultural shortfalls are likely to continue.

• Based on agricultural disasters during the 2020 growing season, various global organizations — including the UN — are warning about the increasing potential for imminent planet-wide famine.

• Food moves globally.  Supply chain disruptions equal increase in prices.  Competition for available food contributes to feelings of insecurity and societal unrest.

This overview indicates an imbalance which must be addressed.

Another look at supply and pricing indicates a different form of imbalance, one which also has agricultural implications:

• We are reliant on domesticated honeybees for the pollination of a significant percentage of our food, as well as the honey the bees produce.

• The standards for honey in the US are largely unregulated.  If one does not have access to a local supply from known beekeepers, that which is purchased is generally imported and substandard and available at prices with which US beekeepers cannot compete.

• In the US, beekeeping has increasingly become a tenuous and unprofitable business.  American honey as an agriculture industry is strategically undervalued.  It is a matter of national food security that the American honeybee industry be revitalized.

It is understood that there are many preoccupying concerns at this pivotal time.

How dire must the need be before the imbalances affecting our food supply, and thus a core factor in our well-being and survival, are actively and thoroughly addressed?

The Green Oasis Now visionary co-founder first wrote of the (then forthcoming) plight of the domesticated honeybee in 1983.  Earlier, as a child, he began talking about the need for indoor agriculture.

The results from the agriculture harvest of 2020 do not surprise us.  Perhaps the message which has been starkly conveyed, through those who have counted this harvest, will be an impetus for needed change.

November 01, 2020

Energy, Frequency, Vibration and Food

Tesla said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”  This also applies to the food we eat and how it is grown.

This point of view is different from the usual approaches to growing food — whether small scale or large agriculture, indoors or out.

As people increasingly understand the significance of energy fields, it becomes more important to control unnecessary vibrational pollutants in the food chain.

Folklore refers to the benefit of speaking to plants because the sound vibration increases the foliage growth.  People have taken to recording morning bird songs and playing these songs for their plants because the vibration affects the leaf surface.

Different plants require variable amounts of sunlight to meet their energy needs.

All plant life on Earth observes the same mathematical principles in their growth pattern because of frequency.  They are responding to the consistent and continuous energy movement cycle between earth and sky, and sky and earth.

Magnetism and field effects produce changes in all plant growth based on the frequency applied because plants are sensitive to energy.

Most people know by now that plants will grow when they hear string music and will wither when they hear heavy metal.  These examples of the influence of energy, frequency and vibration demonstrate a stark difference between a beneficial or negative effect.

The Science Behind the Science

As Tesla predicted, energy science — when seriously observed —  supersedes old understandings, habituated practices and archaic technology.

Technology serving nature takes into consideration the esoteric principles of energy, frequency and vibration and applies them in a beneficial way.

Mechanization does not have to mean insensitive. To the contrary, properly designed robotic systems anticipate each task in the plant development process and maximize all opportunities to enhance optimum well-being through energy, frequency and vibration.

The optimized well-being in the plants is energetic nutrition and is conveyed through the vibrational quality of the plant tissue.  The quality of the plant tissue is enhanced, as in any creature, through the beneficial aspects of its environment.

Utilizing the energy science behind the botanical science results in energetic nutrition as well as nutrient content.

Superior things must always be envisioned and contrasted in order to show their value compared with the ordinary.

As humans, one of the secrets of our personal universe of well-being is to consider the energy, frequency, and vibration of the food we eat and thus increase our insistence upon high level food.

November 15, 2020

Sustainable Renewable Energy — Now and Future

Compared with what is possible, sustainable renewable energy is in its infancy.

Scientists, engineers and independent inventors worldwide continue to develop and test extensive possibilities.

In a recent BBC article about renewable energy the writer pointed out that, just as the introduction of the smart phone has changed our lives unimaginably in little more than a decade, so too will the increasing adaptation of renewable energy create changes we cannot now envision fully.

The introduction of advancements in energy collection and storage systems parallels the current and ongoing need to rethink and revise how electricity is produced and reliably distributed.

With rapid changes having become “the new normal” in a global culture which is heavily dependent on electricity, sustainable renewable energy becomes increasingly paramount as the wave of the future.

There is a an important distinction between renewable energy and sustainable renewable energy.  See the October 01, 2020 blog titled: Renewable Energy Clarified.

Sustainable renewal energy and benefits to the environment go hand in hand.  This is integral to the Green Oasis Now approach to technology serving nature.

The entire Green Oasis Now Innovation Center, including the Heart Greenhouse System, has been designed to be powered by sustainable renewal energy produced on-site.  The energy gathered into our Sustainable Renewable Energy Integration Hub will be combined with sequestering systems which will be utilized to create an energy independent operation that will have the ability to sell excess power to the grid at times of highest demand.  The diversity of our systems and the difference in charge and discharge times will give the Green Oasis Now Innovation Center an enormous power storage potential with rapid recovery.

Expanding the Green Oasis Now approach to technology serving nature, to further benefit the environment, has resulted in the planned pilot project of our Sustainable Conversion System which is designed to convert limited types of waste to energy and to provide some of the power to our onsite energy storage and discharge systems.

Designed to maximize recycling potential while also sustainably providing excess renewable energy to the grid, this environment enhancing closed-loop system would open wide the opportunity to efficiently, effectively and profitably achieve an unprecedented environmentally beneficial result.

Our cutting-edge Sustainable Conversion System (SCS) has been designed to be upscaled to supplement a regional energy grid, while also providing wide-ranging environmental benefits.  This upscaled SCS — which would accept unlimited types of non-nuclear waste — is planned as a semi-public company completely separate from Green Oasis Now, to be located at a transportation nexus, in order to support the environmental cleanup of the widest geographical areas. 

Note: The Sustainable Conversion System page is not included in the Archives.