Previous Green Oasis Now Blog

December 2019-February 2020

December 01, 2019

Eco-Expansion:  A Point of View

December 15, 2019

Balancing the Visionary and the Practical

January 01, 2020

Our New Year Message

January 15, 2020

The Value of Common Sense

February 01, 2020

Inspired by Nature

February 15. 2020

Change Can Encourage Blossoming

December 2019-February 2020

December 01, 2019

Eco-Expansion:  A Point of View

Closed-loop systems are circular and they provide a tangible demonstration of harmony and balance.  Every part is integral to the whole; all parts function synergistically and holistically to achieve a desired result.

If we think in terms of circles and spiraling we are following nature's forms.

Circles and spiraling are inherent within the characteristics of Eco-Expansion which includes a focus on:

• positive possibility

• collaboration and co-creation

• interconnectedness

• compassion

• sustainability

• a long term view

• harmony

• balance

• peace through societal stability

Eco-Expansion is therefore a point of view through which a beneficial paradigm shift can be well rooted.

Cutting edge science supports the idea of interconnectedness.

While there are many societal issues to be addressed, both regionally and globally, it is also essential to consider our relationship with our rapidly changing environment.

For example:  We no longer have the luxury of counting on weather patterns which have been largely consistent for generations, although changing slowly over time.  Now the changes are stark.

We are being challenged to not only adapt, but also see our world from a wider perspective of interconnectedness.

It is only through recognizing our interconnectedness, and the possibilities inherent within a wider perspective, that humanity will spiral to new levels of enlightened collaboration in co-creating positive change.

Interconnectedness is foundational in all the Green Oasis Now innovations and inventions.

Eco-Expansion is the perspective from which we continue to create.

Note: The Eco-Expansion page is not included in the Archives.

December 15, 2019

Balancing the Visionary and the Practical

We have long observed that there is a balance point in all situations, where optimized evolution can manifest into reality.

This applies to the visionary, where that which is possible and that which is feasible — given a number of factors — must come into alignment.

Evolution and refinement are always ongoing.

With each Green Oasis Now innovation, we ask ourselves: “What is the optimum desired result?”

We then precisely research the most practical process to accomplish the desired result: the most mechanistically superior, refined, long-lived, cost-effective and artistically simple procedure.

Even with completed, effective design we are constantly vigilant for ways to evolve, upgrade, increase practicality and simplify.

Two days ago, our head of R&D announced a breakthrough in the prototyping and construction of the Honeybee Habitats.

He said, “I’m really pleased with the insights about the beehives today.  It’s a phenomenal breakthrough! I think we could say we saved a million dollars and a year on that one thing.”

He then added, “I just keep refining things until they get simple enough.”

As the Honeybee Habitats are one of our favorite Green Oasis Now projects, this breakthrough is exciting news indeed!

January 01, 2020

“My brain is only a receiver; in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration.”  Nicola Tesla

Cutting edge science underscores that this is true.

As our planet moves into the new decade, the apparent problems will continue to be exacerbated.   

The challenge for humanity is to become solutions-oriented on a perhaps heretofore unimaginable scale.  This occurs one person at a time.

To meet these challenges there is, as Tesla indicated, a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration.  This core is a wellspring without limits.

The key to accessing this core is receptivity.  This occurs within ourselves, individually.

This is how all of the Green Oasis Now innovations have come about.  Over many years we have consistently welcomed inspiration and complimented that inspiration with acquired knowledge in specific areas of expertise.

We encourage everyone to discover the ways in which you can contribute to positive change through personal clarity. 

“Only that day dawns to which we are awake.”  Henry David Thoreau.

Happy New Year Everyone!

Our New Year Message

January 15, 2020

The Value of Common Sense

As we observe the current fires in Australia we have the opportunity to again be reminded that common sense approaches to our relationship with our environment are significantly lacking.

What is the long term value of a healthy and thriving forest?   What is the cost of proper well-thought-out small scale robotic forestry maintenance as opposed to the broadly-scoped cost of forest fires?

We as a culture are at a crossroads in our relationship with our natural environment, including our interaction with forests.

The large scale, crude and heavy-handed approach — giant machines doing large actions in a hurry — generally used in current forestry and logging applications is not suitable for actual long-term forest development and management.  This is not technology serving nature.  Bigger is not necessarily always better.

In contrast, specifically designed small scale robotic devices with rudimentary artificial intelligence and preprogrammed software can plant, develop and maintain forests in a way that is most advantageous to natural settings and forest and wildlife preservation.  This approach also significantly diminishes forest fire potential.

Considerations of scale are in relationship to circumstance, intention and outcome as well as long term benefits.

For Green Oasis Now, long term benefits and common sense walk hand in hand.  The innovative forest-friendly technology that Green Oasis Now has developed over many years was inspired by a passion for trees and environmental well-being.  .

February 01, 2020

Inspired by Nature

For centuries, indigenous peoples traveled to a particular lake in the Pacific Northwest.  This is not surprising for the hunter-gatherers knew where to find food which would sustain them.  Along the perimeter of the lake, and especially at the bottom of the lake, and the beginning of the river which is fed by the lake, they used long rakes to obtain algae which they then sun-dried near the shoreline.  This annual summer tradition of food gathering was widely known among American and Canadian Indians in the western portion of the continent.

Across the continent, in the northeast, a young scientist began growing algae in the 1950’s, when he was five years old.  This was local algae, samples of which he had brought from a nearby pond.  He grew the algae — a food he liked — on glass plates inserted into an aquarium.

When he was eight years old, and eating algae at a stream in the New England woods near his home, a Native American saw him.  “What are you doing?” the elder asked.

The elder then told him about a lake in the Pacific Northwest where, for centuries, indigenous tribes had gathered and dried algae for food during their annual pilgrimages to the lake.  The young visionary scientist knew that he wanted to grow this algae himself; he foresaw a time of critical global change when algae could become one of the essential sources of nutrition.

A decade after he met the Native American elder near the stream, David traveled to the Pacific Northwest to the lake.  There he met Native Americans and algae enthusiasts who were gathering this super-nutritious form of algae, AFA, from the lake at its drift points — with floating nets and rakes.

As an extremely buoyant long distance swimmer since early childhood, David began a practice that he would continue during future visits: swimming, floating, gathering algae and eating it directly from the lake.  The algae was his only food source during those visits.

During many subsequent visits, swimming with the algae for days on end, he observed carefully.  He combined the skills of scientific observation with an ability to empathically understand the behavior of the algae.  He carefully observed the patterns and life cycle of the algae which grows as much as one thousand per cent in one day.  These patterns shift with the fluctuations of light.

Concurrently, while completing his military obligation in the service of the Surgeon General, he was developing laboratory expertise which would eventually be applied to the growing of algae.

During his regular visits to the lake, David also became acquainted with the founder of the first company to make algae available as a food product.  Familiar with the life cycle of the algae and the ecology of the lake, David consulted on the mechanics of the extraction and packaging process of AFA which was refined over a period of years.

Edible forms of algae present a largely untapped nutritional support opportunity.  Furthermore, algae is also a source of several important brain nutrients which are otherwise found primarily in animal products.  The superior AFA algae is rarely found across the planet; most known sources are highly contaminated at this time.

Years ago, when the Native American elder told eight year old David about this special algae, it became part of his visionary overview.  During decades of focus, he developed the ability to replicate the essentials of nature’s growing environment.

The process David developed combines sensitivity to the biological and botanical preferences of the AFA algae with complex scientific methodology and understanding.  As head of R&D for Green Oasis Now, David has integrated the growing of AFA algae into our Green Oasis Now Innovation Center.

Thus, a unique and pristine superfood can be provided — with unprecedented affordability — as inspired by nature and a visionary point of view.

February 15, 2020

Change Can Encourage Blossoming

The scope of rapid change that we are now seeing globally has heretofore been largely unimaginable.  In addition to the ongoing anomalous weather patterns, and consistently numerous geophysical events, disease vectors are becoming starkly apparent.

The countless reverberations signal to us that rapid change has become the new normal.  Concurrently, the intricacies of global interconnectedness are more obvious each day.

Also more obvious each day is the emerging understanding that, although we are all part of a global community, effective sustainability — at its most basic — is efficiently best implemented regionally and locally.  This approach also minimizes potential supply chain issues while positively energizing local economies.

If we resiliently embrace change as opportunity to refine our relationships upon Earth — and our relationship with Earth — change can encourage blossoming:

• the blossoming of new perspective

• the blossoming of ingenuity

• the blossoming of innovation

• the blossoming of invention

• the blossoming of new solutions

• the blossoming of cooperation

Current science verifies that the fundamental rule of nature is cooperation.

Nature is fundamentally a closed loop system, one set of circumstances influencing another.  Harmony is inherent within nature.  The R&D which has resulted in Green Oasis Now — technology serving nature — has been focused on harmony for decades.  Harmony is exemplified in our innovative and unique multi-canopy closed-loop indoor system which has been designed to grow and harvest nutritious food year round, regardless of weather-related or environmental issues.

Awareness of interconnectedness, globally, brings us back to the basics — locally:

• food supply, abundant and nutritious

• a heathy environment

• alternative energy

• closed-loop sustainable systems

Change can encourage this blossoming!